Tuesday, February 15, 2011


    The Tang Dynasty was one of the greatest ancient Chinese dynasties. It was considered to be one of the greatest dynasties because it was China's golden age. During this time, China was one of the most powerful, wealthiest countries in the world. Tang Taizong (one of the first emperors), expanded the territory of the empire and gained control of trading centers. These trading centers were on the Silk Road, which was a trade route that connected all of Asia. Because of this, China was able to be richer than it ever had been before. Another reason why is that they had a lot of artworks and inventions. They had a lot of spectacular poems, landscape paintings, and ceramic statues. They invented the printed page, made the first bound books, and invented gunpowder. These inventions changed the world, and we still use them today. That is why the Tang Dynasty is one of the greatest dynasties.

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