Wednesday, February 16, 2011


There were a few inventions during the Tang Dynasty, but the one of the most important inventions was gunpowder. This had a huge impact on the world. It was discovered by accident by a few alchemists. They were mixing together different elements, and when they set it on fire it exploded. At first, gunpowder wasn't used for violence. The Chinese used it to make firecrackers and fireworks. They used it during festivals, especially on the New Year, which is a very important holiday for the Chinese. At first it would just make a loud noise when they ignited it, but after they were able to add color, and make designs. After a while, they began to use the gunpowder to make rockets, bombs and cannons. This helped their military because they had more weapons against enemies. Later on it spread to other parts of the world, and other countries used gunpowder. We still use them today, whether it’s for fireworks on the 4th of July, or for weapons. That is why gunpowder is an important invention.

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