Friday, February 18, 2011

Front Page News Article

New Emperor in Town

CHINA - It’s been a few weeks since there has been a change of power in the Dynasty. Before, the emperor was Gaozu. His son, Li Shimin, suddenly grabbed Gaozu’s power. He took the name of Tang Taizong, meaning “Grand Ancestor Tang.” A local woman asked, “Grand Ancestor? Wouldn’t that be Gaozu?” Well not according him and his officials. They said that he had came up with the idea to over-throw the Sui, and created the Tang dynasty. 
    It wasn’t a surprise that he would try to take the power. Many people thought that his older brother was going to be next in line, and Li Shimin was the second child. He had helped his father with the dynasty, and he felt like he should be the next emperor.
    Some people don’t like the new emperor. “He took the power from his father. He also took it from his older brother, Gaozu’s first son, who should have gotten it. That’s not right, he should follow tradition. I heard that he even killed his older brother, and his younger one to, to make sure that there was no threat of losing his power.”
    But another man disagreed. “Tang Taizong will be a great emperor. He helped with creating the dynasty, and he is talented. He has military leadership. He has been well educated in the Confucian classics."
    Even though Tang Taizong used violence to gain power and went against his family, he has a lot of talent and ideas, and hopefully he will help our empire grow and prosper.

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